Commercial and Government security design can materially differ from residential in two respects, the skill set of the criminal attempting a break-in is usually much greater and the existence of a potential insider makes the security infrastructure and devices more vulnerable to tampering during unarmed periods. Proper supervision of the cabling integrity and utilizing detection devices with built-in tamper switches along with self-diagnostic motion detectors and proper surge protection are critical to preserving uncompromised detection capabilities.
There are numerous simple circumvention techniques available on the internet, instructional videos on YouTube, and other detailed vulnerability information within nefarious publications. To the skilled and passionate security practitioner there are of course reasonable cost effective countermeasures for each of these system attacks. SSi of Midlothian & Richmond, VA thoroughly details these circumvention techniques within our system design proposals with line-item specific Threat vs. Countermeasure equipment listings.
Access Control Systems keep doors locked until authorized credentials are presented. Control of who can simply walk-in to your facility is becoming a mainstream application. Small businesses as well as large corporate and governmental entities need to manage access for a variety of reasons. Security is just one of the functionalities of these systems; they can provide great insights into productivity and can effectively leverage your management decisions with documented operational awareness for the entire premise especially when paired with an accompanying video clip. Control of supply rooms, IT rooms, cash offices, sensitive record holding areas-RHA, Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility- SCIF or other high-value asset rooms require access control.
New technology has created an emerging hacking threat to the long considered "secure" Wiegand card format. With covert eavesdropping RF readers commonly referred to as a skimmer and other surreptitious electronics currently available every access-controlled site desiring real security will need to upgrade their systems away from the Wiegand format.
Security Systems Inc., offers multiple access control platforms to meet your specific needs in Midlothian, Richmond, VA and beyond. Single door access solutions with our NexKey option. Small business applications covered with the Elk M1 and ConnectOne module. Medium / Large / Enterprise / High-Security Govt. installations with Gallagher security.
Integration of Security, Video Surveillance, Access Control, and Energy Management all within one platform and one easy to use application can be achieved within our offerings. No need for multiple vendors and finger pointing on which vendor needs to support the other. No IT department support or coordination of port configurations thru your systems firewall is needed to complicate the implementation of a scalable integration platform.